Monday, September 30, 2019

Child Development

Abstract Preschool students who are entering kindergarten are often expected to attend a screening session. My research focused on the qualities of a successful screening tool and how the tool is used to assist educators. I was curious to know if a screening tool provided enough information for educators to adequately balance classes during the process of placing incoming kindergarteners. Placing students based on their academic and social needs gives teachers more time and opportunities to successfully teach to their students' strengths, challenges, and personalities. Finally, I was interested in researching which screening tools educators chose to use. Throughout my research I wanted to determine which areas of development were typically part of the preferred screening tools and to determine which areas were better predictors of academic achievement. Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 3Statement of IssueKindergarten screening is used to determine which students are at risk for developmental, behavioral, or academic difficulties. A kindergarten screening tool is designed to identify potential learning or behavioral difficulties before they increase in frequency, intensity, or duration after the student enters school. Students who are identified can receive support from their school and families in a more timely and effective manner. The screening data also provides information that assists in the process of student placement into kindergarten classrooms.Literature ReviewSchool readiness, defined as social, emotional, and behavioral readiness to learn is a fundamental aspect of school success. Screening students who are entering kindergarten can be beneficial in identifying which students are demonstrating school readiness and which students would benefit from additional support once they begin kindergarten. Determining whether or not to require incoming kindergarteners to participate in a screening session is a discussion between the kindergarten teachers, administration of the elementary school, guidance counselor, and curriculum coordinator. The purpose may extend beyond the placement of students to include comparative data gathered to use in future discussions related to the students' progress.It is necessary to recognize the difference between the terms assessment and screening. While many people use these terms interchangeably, they have different purposes. Given the growth in the use of screening and assessment practices to identify students at increased levels of risk, it is important to emphasize important distinctions between screening and assessment. Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 4Specifically, screening and assessment procedures differ in their purposes, features, and the types of tools used. School readiness screening measures would be administered to every child entering kindergarten. Stormant (2016) suggests that a true screening system should be brief, simple, and rely on easy to administer tools. The purpose of assessment is to conduct a lengthy, in-depth, and thorough investigation. Invernizzi (2010) discusses the criteria for early literacy assessment in preschoolers assessment decisions. They must be broad-based, easy and efficient to administer and interpret, and provide immediate instructional benefits to teachers. Along with deciding whether or not to participate, educators must choose which tool to use and what developmental areas to focus on. Educators can then create balanced classrooms and prepare supports for the students who showed a lack of school readiness based on the outcomes. Steps can be taken to prepare these students for their entrance into kindergarten by providing summer programs and planning for ways of implementing instruction that offers extra support at the start of the school year for students who need it. RTI is a method of providing Tiered support for struggling students. Kindergarten screening results can provide educators with a starting point of data. Interestingly, Seethaler (2010) advises that screening students who haven't been exposed to math concepts prior to attending school may give false information. She questioned that waiting until students have more time to be exposed to common math experiences might allow the students without prior exposure to number concepts time to ‘catch up' to their peers. In her research she also examined the single skill screener versus multiple skills screeners to determine potential mathematics difficulty in kindergarten students. Phonological Awareness is known to be a predictor of academic success in Literacy where Number Sense is a predictor of math success.   Bridges and Catts (2011) report that specifically, Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 5dynamic screening may be able to reduce the false positives associated with universal screening in the early school grades. Although preschool opportunities provide many children with literacy experience and instruction, a large number of children continue to enter kindergarten with limited literacy knowledge. A lack of literacy knowledge at the beginning of kindergarten can affect performance on measures of phonological awareness and lead to children being identified as at risk for reading difficulties.The kindergarten screening process is a way to gauge a child's current functioning and growth. It is a brief evaluation of several developmental domains of functioning in young children that typically takes place prior to the beginning of kindergarten. It can be an important prevention or early intervention tool to determine which young children are at risk for developmental, behavioral, or academic difficulties. The areas of development that are most commonly evaluated during a screening are; Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Language, Concepts (Math, Phonological Awareness), Self-help Development, Social/Emotional Development, and Behavior.Conoyer (2016) advises when selecting screening tools, educational professionals must balance efficiency relative to predictive utility and diagnostic feedback. While some may opt for a multi-skill measure with a longer administration time, others may prefer a brief screener that has sufficient predictive utility, and then administer diagnostic assessments to the smaller group of students identified in the initial screen.PALS-PreK is a scientifically-based phonological awareness and literacy screening that measures preschoolers' developing knowledge of important literacy fundamentals. The assessment reflects skills that are predictive of future reading success. It measures name writing, Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 6beginning sound awareness, print and word awareness, rhyme and nursery rhyme awareness, and alphabet knowledge. Phonological awareness refers to the ability to pay attention to, identify, and manipulate sound units within spoken words.As stated by McWayne (2011), the K-ABR is a teacher rating screener that includes three items to screen children in need of academic and/or behavior support. The specific items comprising the K-ABR include (1) â€Å"Compared to other students in this school, how was this child's readiness for the behavioral expectations of kindergarten,† (2) â€Å"Compared to other students in this school, how was this child's academic readiness for kindergarten,† and (3) â€Å"Compared to other students in this school, how was this child's overall readiness for kindergarten. â€Å"Kokkalia (2017) explains that the DIAL–4 is an appropriate screening tool for children ages 2.6 years to 5.11 years. The tool is individually administered but is appropriate for use in environments where large kindergarten screenings occur, taking approximately 25-35 minutes per child to administer. Each of five performance areas is scored on a behavior (psychological and social) rating scale. Behaviors are observed during the screening process to help determine if further assessment is needed. This tool offers comprehensive information in five performance areas; Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Language, Concepts, Self-help Development, Social Development. This is the tool that my school district has chosen to implement this year for the first time.Hamm (2014) describes a program called KidSkills whose goal is to meet the principles of RTI and illustrate the effectiveness of elementary teachers and specialists teaming up to systematically examine student needs. Collaborative models such as this one aim to support Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 7student achievement. Multiple perspectives from various areas of expertise offer strategies that collectively support the whole child. Early screening, systematic data collection, collaboration, and a strong home- school partnership are key components of this program that can be replicated in a variety of settings and possibly generalized to other academic areas. The program provides kindergarten students with targeted small-group instruction once a week focusing on phonemic awareness, language and vocabulary development, literacy skills, and fine motor and perceptual skills.ConclusionThe methods used to perform kindergarten screenings are often in question. Educators discuss if preschool students are capable of accurately sharing what they know with individuals they have just met in a school setting that may cause anxiety in some children. Early Childhood educators may disagree with some of the developmental areas on the screening tools. Teachers may assume that children come to kindergarten with the prerequisite fine motor and perceptual skills to practice letter formation. Kindergarten screening tools may not pick up on the subtle needs experienced by some children that will make letter formation difficult. Assessing and addressing visual–motor skills is an essential predictor of academic achievement. As stated by Conoyer (2016), early identification of students at risk in mathematics is limited in value if educators are unable to evaluate and adjust their instructional programs to effect improved mathematics achievement.Further research to explore how the information gathered during kindergarten screeners should be examined and compared to future student assessments. Academic predictors could be evaluated in more detail and more data should be gathered in order to follow student progress Running head: BENEFITS OF SCREENING INCOMING KINDERGARTEN STUDENTS 8throughout the elementary years. Continuing to check in with classroom teachers to find out if the classes ended up being successfully ‘balanced' would be of interest to my research of kindergarten screening usefulness. Each year students enter kindergarten with varying levels of maturity, attention, and exposure to academic concepts. Acknowledging this and proceeding without biases when examining the data collected is essential to the child's future school career. Child Development There are many different aspects that Influence and shape human development. One major factor that Influences personal development Is the social environment. A lot of people don't realize how many different aspects go Into shaping how a person develops while growing up. According to Rule Frontbencher, there are 5 mall systems that Influence human development: the Microsystems, Microsystems, ecosystem, Microsystems and chronometers. One system that influences the person directly is the Microsystems. According to Earnest (20111 â€Å"The Microsystems isBrotherliness's term for the immediate environment, the settings where people experience their daily lives † (p. 23). The Microsystems includes: family, school, peers, neighborhood, church group and health services. My family has one of the largest impacts on my development. When I was six years old, my parents got a divorce. Even though I was only six, it profoundly affected me, even to this day. While growing up, it took an emot ional toll on me, from not being able to celebrate holidays together, to switching from house to house on the weekends.My dad moved on very fast and married when I was 8 years old; to this day I resent my stepmother for that very reason, therefore, becoming much closer to my mother. My mom Is a very Independent person and has never relied on a guy for anything. I look up to her for everything, and since she is my role model, I am now a very independent person by not relying on other people, being able to get stuff done on my own and being strong in difficult situations. The peers I grew up with also had a vast impact on my life and decisions.When I was in elementary school, some of the boys would make fun of my SSE by sticking pencils at the end of their nose and saying it looked like mine. I would cry myself to sleep and started to hate my nose. When I was in Junior high, I still got negative comments regarding my nose. I became embarrassed to meet new people, thinking they would J udge me and think I was ugly so I didn't go out as much. Just last year, I got a royalists procedure done to reduce the size of my nose. If I had never gotten correlated for the nose I was given, I don't think I would have gotten the procedure done.Another system In Frontbenchers ecological theory Is the crossest. Unlike the Microsystems, the Microsystems influences the person indirectly. According to Earnest (2011 â€Å"The Microsystems is the broad system of cultural beliefs and values, and the economic and governmental systems that are built on those beliefs and values† (p. 23). The Microsystems is the largest system and includes: the government, cultural values, customs, religion, and the economy. One aspect of the Microsystems, which influenced my development significantly, was the socio-economic status of my family.I was raised by two parents who each went to allege and got a bachelors degree. My mother completed her associates degree, had her first child and then went to night school to complete her bachelor's degree. That showed me how crucial getting an education was. The socio-economic status of my family Instilled In me a great respect for education, which Is why I am striving to get a masters degree In psychology. After my mother achieved her bachelor's degree, she advanced in her job to become a human resources manager earning over grow up, therefore, leading me to pursue the field of psychology.The culture of the Unites States has an enormous impact on me as I grew up. Ever since I was a young girl, the United States has given me a strong exposure to the value of independence. Personal freedom, independence, and responsibility are what our society strives for in individuals. Since that was instilled in me as a child, growing up, I always took the initiative to try and figure out answers before asking someone, getting all of my work done promptly and on time, and leading a life deciding on what my future was going to be.Kids are constantly asked what they want to be when they grow up; that shows he value of independence and how anyone can choose what life they want to live. It is then up to the child, to obtain that goal by having responsibilities and going for what they believe in. Since children are raised to have responsibilities, if a 6th grader came home with a poor report card, actions would be taken place. My family would set up tutoring in the subject they are struggling in, since academics are so important for succeeding in life. If the 6th graders academics never improved, he might flunk out of school, therefore, not being able to get a degree.If he never got a degree he would not get a well paying Job, therefore, not being able to support himself/family. Since culture has such a big impact on development, depending on where one lives, there would be traditions and practices around the birth of a baby. If I were to have a child, my family would throw me a baby shower and give me gifts to help me raise the ba by. On the day I go into labor, my family would also come to the hospital to help support me and be there to witness the birth of my baby. I would have my husband and mother in the room to support me and share the experience with me. Child Development Child development is the process of how your child is able to do complex things as he gets older. Development involves learning skills such as tying shoes, skipping, kicking a ball and walking. Children develop their skills in five main areas: * Physical Development * Intellectual/Cognitive Development * Language Development * Emotional Development * Social Development Physical Development Physical development is the way in which children's bodies increase in skills. The acquisition of skills such as sitting, throwing and running, picking up objects and feeding describes the physical development of your child.Developmental norms are patterns of growth that a child is expected to follow when growing. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) Physical development is grouped in two main areas: Gross Motor Skill are his/her ability to use their large muscles, Gross Motor Skills starts with head control and works down their body such as learning to sit, crawl, pull up and walk. They use their large musc les to acquire these skills. Fine Motor Skills are his/her ability to use their small muscles. During the first year of your child’s life, he/she will start to practice handling and manipulating small objects.This develops their ability to use their small muscles, specifically their hands and fingers to pick up and hold objects such as pencil and spoon. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) Intellectual/cognitive development Cognitive development is the way in which your child manages their thinking, and talent to create sense of the world and what is occurring around them. When your child is able to deal with difficulties, telling about it in advance are examples of skills associated with cognitive child development. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Language development:Children's language develops through using visual and sound stimuli, especially in the acquisition of language, also in the exchange of thoughts and feelings. There are two identifiable stages; the first stage of development i n the process of children learning to use language is the pre-linguistic stage. Babies use this stage to learn how to communicate with others. During the first stage of life, babies rapidly learn how to communicate with their carers, so that by the age of 12 months, most babies understand what is being said to them and are starting to communicate their needs by pointing or by showing their carer objects.Then there is the Linguistic Stage – 15 Months to 8 Years, Children starts to use words around twelve months and by fifteen months they have developed their own word for an object or person and use it consistently. They then go on to use holophrases – using a single word to express several meanings by changing the sound and using gestures. As they grow children gradually put two words together to form a mini-sentence if your child is exposed to a rich language environment, this will be reflected in his speech development. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Emotional development: Emotional development is the growth of a child's ability to feel and express an increasing range of emotions appropriately. Children's emotional capabilities expand, allowing them to develop a variety of skills that they will need in their adult lives. Emotional development encompasses the feelings that we have about ourselves and others, as well as our capabilities to function well in the world from a social standpoint. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Social development: Social development is the growth of a child's ability to relate to others and become independent.As they develop and perceive their own individuality within their community, they also gain skills to communicate with other people and process their actions. Social development most often refers to how a child develops friendships and other relationships, also how well a child handles conflict with peers. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) This is not fixed or written in stone it is simply a guide to child development, It is dangero us to assume that children are abnormal if they do not all progress in exactly the same manner. Variations will always exist, since each child is an individual developing in their own unique way. (Bruce T.Meggitt, C 2004) The significance of social and emotional development is seen in every area of a child's life. A child will have a strong foundation for later development if he/she can manage personal feelings, understand others’ feelings and needs, and interact positively with others. Differences in social and emotional development result from a child’s inborn temperament, cultural influences, disabilities, behaviours modelled by adults, the level of security felt in a child’s relationships with adults, and the opportunities provided for social interaction. (raisingchildren. net. u/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) Social and emotional development for a four year old: Your four-year-old should be able to learn lots about the world and how it works, about peopl e and relationships, makes friends (often short-term) and plays group games. They are now more likely to, share toys, taking turns with assistance and initiate or join in play with other children and make up games. (/raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) At this age, children are more aware of themselves as individuals. They should show some understanding of moral reasoning (exploring ideas about fairness and good or bad behaviour).Children become more interested in relationships with other children and start to compare themselves with others. Children should start to develop friendships, express more awareness of other people's feelings, show interest in exploring sex differences and most children enjoy imaginative play with other children, like dress up or house, they bring dramatic play closer to reality by paying attention to detail, time, and space. (raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) Children know a bit more about the idea of sharing. But they might not be keen to put the idea of sharing into action, it would be great if children always played nicely together and never had fights over toys or over whose turn it is to lick the bowl after the cake has been baked. If a child is not sharing you can encourage them to share with other children, by reminding them how bad they would feel if someone took their toy. Talking to children about other children’s feelings, helps build their sense of empathy. Children need structures and routines to feel safe, and  when their behaviour is ‘over the top’, they need you to set limits and bring them back to earth without making them feel bad. Raising children. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006). Factors affecting child development There are various factors that may impact upon the development of the child, learning difficulties such as Autism, ADD/ ADHD disorder are a condition where children have difficulty concentrating and paying attention and may cau se slowness in development in many areas. Children with learning difficulties or special needs will require additional help such as extra support at school/home, to resolve development problem and may or may not catch up. These children may even go through a process called statementing before they receive help.Some children with learning problems do not get statemented as the parents may not want to admit that their child has a problem as they feel ashamed. Children with special needs can benefit greatly if attending a mainstream school that has the resources and funding to help them. (Browne. K. 2008. P. 360) Factors such as extreme poverty and emotional stress can have a devastating effect on children’s development. Poverty can have a profound effect on a child’s development; children who come from poor backgrounds will lack resources, live in over-crowded houses with lack of study space.Their poor diet and ill health can lead to tiredness, absences and missed lesson s. Low income or unemployment may mean lack of educational resources or a home computer is not available. This could affect the child’s educational progress. It could also mean the hidden costs of education such as calculators, sports equipment, and school trips are out of reach of many poorer families. Although many government places are available many low income families in lesser paid jobs cannot afford to send their children to pre-school or nursery. Such starts to education are proven to aid a child’s development and can help with social skills.It can be argued that Material Deprivation also affects the working class. (Browne. K. 2008. P. 360) It can also be argued that although children lack educational resources at home such as computers and calculators they can still achieve developmental levels as many school are well equipped with these materials, also many schools now have breakfast/afterschool clubs and do lots of extra curriculum studies to help children. It can be said children will only benefit from these clubs and extra studies if parent are willing to encourage children to attend them.Many things can cause emotional trauma in children such as death, illness, unstable home life, abuse, neglect, bullying and accidents. Children suffering from emotional trauma can exhibit displays of aggression, withdrawal, show signs of anxiety and have complaints of aches, pains and tiredness. Emotional trauma can leave children feeling frightened and even ashamed or guilty. All these signs and symptoms can cause developmental problems and impact upon their emotional ability which is important to a Childs personal and social growth, a child suffering from trauma may also revert to bed wetting or baby talk.Children who are affected by extreme trauma can benefit greatly with the help of the Schools mentors/councilors who are trained to deal with traumatized children, a teacher with a heightened sense of awareness maybe able to pick up on any problem s. (Marcus, M. Ducklin, A 1998) An inside school factor that can cause developmental progress is labeling, teachers’ judge and label pupils based on a number of different factors such as social class, gender, race, and behaviour rather than on ability and intelligence.Pupils who have reputations and labels because of their behaviour and attitudes are unlikely to be innocent victims; they may have been in trouble before. It can be argued that it is often the case pupils will contest their label and work doubly hard to prove that they can do what they are told they cannot, therefore rendering the label useless, (McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003 Methods to manage behaviour In the classroom environment a teacher who is applying a behaviourist view would typically stand at the front of the class and direct how the lesson takes place and how the class responds to the stimulus provided.It can be argued that the behaviourist approach does not allow for individuality or for spontaneity, it ignores people’s ability to have complex thought processes. It could be argued that the reward giver would need to know the learner to know what the correct reinforcement would be to ensure effective reinforcement. A negative factor would be too much adult involvement. (McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003) A positive classroom environment is one where the teacher adopts the cognitive style of learning.The teacher allows more class involvement and often sits amongst the class rather than standing at the front. The lessons would have a more adaptable framework which allows students to be more independent, the student would be able to set their own targets /goals thus creating independent learning and thinking. The lessons would include role play, presentation discussions, group work, research and working in pairs. The teacher would empower her students to self learn so rather than being a role model would become a facilitator. McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003) Other methods of managi ng behaviour are rewards and sanctions, teacher can rewards children for good behaviour or finishing their work with verbal praise, stars, certificates or table points. Teachers may also give children sanction such as a time out or losing five minutes of playtime. When dishing out sanctions/reward the teacher must be consistent and they have to be relevant and meaningful to the child, it could be argued that to ensure the effectiveness of reinforcers the teacher would need to know the learner. Word Count 1998 BibliographyBROWNE, K. (2008). Sociology. 3rd Ed, Cambridge: polity press. BRUCE, T, MEGGITT, C (2006) Childcare and Education, 3rd Ed, London: Hodder ; Stoughton. MARCUS, M, DUCKLIN, A. (1998) Success in Sociology London John Murray MCNEILL, P. BLUNDELL, J. GRIFFITHS, J. (2003). Sociology. The complete companion. 3rd Ed, Cheltenham: Nelson Thorne. ROBINSON, M. BEITH, K. PULLIN, L. (1998) Early Years Care and Education, 2nd Ed, Oxford: Heinemann. www. childdevelopmentinfo. com/ – updated 26th June 2007-accessed 5th June 2010 http://raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers. html | Child Development Child development is the process of how your child is able to do complex things as he gets older. Development involves learning skills such as tying shoes, skipping, kicking a ball and walking. Children develop their skills in five main areas: * Physical Development * Intellectual/Cognitive Development * Language Development * Emotional Development * Social Development Physical Development Physical development is the way in which children's bodies increase in skills. The acquisition of skills such as sitting, throwing and running, picking up objects and feeding describes the physical development of your child.Developmental norms are patterns of growth that a child is expected to follow when growing. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) Physical development is grouped in two main areas: Gross Motor Skill are his/her ability to use their large muscles, Gross Motor Skills starts with head control and works down their body such as learning to sit, crawl, pull up and walk. They use their large musc les to acquire these skills. Fine Motor Skills are his/her ability to use their small muscles. During the first year of your child’s life, he/she will start to practice handling and manipulating small objects.This develops their ability to use their small muscles, specifically their hands and fingers to pick up and hold objects such as pencil and spoon. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) Intellectual/cognitive development Cognitive development is the way in which your child manages their thinking, and talent to create sense of the world and what is occurring around them. When your child is able to deal with difficulties, telling about it in advance are examples of skills associated with cognitive child development. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Language development:Children's language develops through using visual and sound stimuli, especially in the acquisition of language, also in the exchange of thoughts and feelings. There are two identifiable stages; the first stage of development i n the process of children learning to use language is the pre-linguistic stage. Babies use this stage to learn how to communicate with others. During the first stage of life, babies rapidly learn how to communicate with their carers, so that by the age of 12 months, most babies understand what is being said to them and are starting to communicate their needs by pointing or by showing their carer objects.Then there is the Linguistic Stage – 15 Months to 8 Years, Children starts to use words around twelve months and by fifteen months they have developed their own word for an object or person and use it consistently. They then go on to use holophrases – using a single word to express several meanings by changing the sound and using gestures. As they grow children gradually put two words together to form a mini-sentence if your child is exposed to a rich language environment, this will be reflected in his speech development. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Emotional development: Emotional development is the growth of a child's ability to feel and express an increasing range of emotions appropriately. Children's emotional capabilities expand, allowing them to develop a variety of skills that they will need in their adult lives. Emotional development encompasses the feelings that we have about ourselves and others, as well as our capabilities to function well in the world from a social standpoint. (Robinson, M et al, 1998) Social development: Social development is the growth of a child's ability to relate to others and become independent.As they develop and perceive their own individuality within their community, they also gain skills to communicate with other people and process their actions. Social development most often refers to how a child develops friendships and other relationships, also how well a child handles conflict with peers. (Bruce T. Meggitt, C 2004) This is not fixed or written in stone it is simply a guide to child development, It is dangero us to assume that children are abnormal if they do not all progress in exactly the same manner. Variations will always exist, since each child is an individual developing in their own unique way. (Bruce T.Meggitt, C 2004) The significance of social and emotional development is seen in every area of a child's life. A child will have a strong foundation for later development if he/she can manage personal feelings, understand others’ feelings and needs, and interact positively with others. Differences in social and emotional development result from a child’s inborn temperament, cultural influences, disabilities, behaviours modelled by adults, the level of security felt in a child’s relationships with adults, and the opportunities provided for social interaction. (raisingchildren. net. u/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) Social and emotional development for a four year old: Your four-year-old should be able to learn lots about the world and how it works, about peopl e and relationships, makes friends (often short-term) and plays group games. They are now more likely to, share toys, taking turns with assistance and initiate or join in play with other children and make up games. (/raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) At this age, children are more aware of themselves as individuals. They should show some understanding of moral reasoning (exploring ideas about fairness and good or bad behaviour).Children become more interested in relationships with other children and start to compare themselves with others. Children should start to develop friendships, express more awareness of other people's feelings, show interest in exploring sex differences and most children enjoy imaginative play with other children, like dress up or house, they bring dramatic play closer to reality by paying attention to detail, time, and space. (raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006) Children know a bit more about the idea of sharing. But they might not be keen to put the idea of sharing into action, it would be great if children always played nicely together and never had fights over toys or over whose turn it is to lick the bowl after the cake has been baked. If a child is not sharing you can encourage them to share with other children, by reminding them how bad they would feel if someone took their toy. Talking to children about other children’s feelings, helps build their sense of empathy. Children need structures and routines to feel safe, and  when their behaviour is ‘over the top’, they need you to set limits and bring them back to earth without making them feel bad. Raising children. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers, 2006). Factors affecting child development There are various factors that may impact upon the development of the child, learning difficulties such as Autism, ADD/ ADHD disorder are a condition where children have difficulty concentrating and paying attention and may cau se slowness in development in many areas. Children with learning difficulties or special needs will require additional help such as extra support at school/home, to resolve development problem and may or may not catch up. These children may even go through a process called statementing before they receive help.Some children with learning problems do not get statemented as the parents may not want to admit that their child has a problem as they feel ashamed. Children with special needs can benefit greatly if attending a mainstream school that has the resources and funding to help them. (Browne. K. 2008. P. 360) Factors such as extreme poverty and emotional stress can have a devastating effect on children’s development. Poverty can have a profound effect on a child’s development; children who come from poor backgrounds will lack resources, live in over-crowded houses with lack of study space.Their poor diet and ill health can lead to tiredness, absences and missed lesson s. Low income or unemployment may mean lack of educational resources or a home computer is not available. This could affect the child’s educational progress. It could also mean the hidden costs of education such as calculators, sports equipment, and school trips are out of reach of many poorer families. Although many government places are available many low income families in lesser paid jobs cannot afford to send their children to pre-school or nursery. Such starts to education are proven to aid a child’s development and can help with social skills.It can be argued that Material Deprivation also affects the working class. (Browne. K. 2008. P. 360) It can also be argued that although children lack educational resources at home such as computers and calculators they can still achieve developmental levels as many school are well equipped with these materials, also many schools now have breakfast/afterschool clubs and do lots of extra curriculum studies to help children. It can be said children will only benefit from these clubs and extra studies if parent are willing to encourage children to attend them.Many things can cause emotional trauma in children such as death, illness, unstable home life, abuse, neglect, bullying and accidents. Children suffering from emotional trauma can exhibit displays of aggression, withdrawal, show signs of anxiety and have complaints of aches, pains and tiredness. Emotional trauma can leave children feeling frightened and even ashamed or guilty. All these signs and symptoms can cause developmental problems and impact upon their emotional ability which is important to a Childs personal and social growth, a child suffering from trauma may also revert to bed wetting or baby talk.Children who are affected by extreme trauma can benefit greatly with the help of the Schools mentors/councilors who are trained to deal with traumatized children, a teacher with a heightened sense of awareness maybe able to pick up on any problem s. (Marcus, M. Ducklin, A 1998) An inside school factor that can cause developmental progress is labeling, teachers’ judge and label pupils based on a number of different factors such as social class, gender, race, and behaviour rather than on ability and intelligence.Pupils who have reputations and labels because of their behaviour and attitudes are unlikely to be innocent victims; they may have been in trouble before. It can be argued that it is often the case pupils will contest their label and work doubly hard to prove that they can do what they are told they cannot, therefore rendering the label useless, (McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003 Methods to manage behaviour In the classroom environment a teacher who is applying a behaviourist view would typically stand at the front of the class and direct how the lesson takes place and how the class responds to the stimulus provided.It can be argued that the behaviourist approach does not allow for individuality or for spontaneity, it ignores people’s ability to have complex thought processes. It could be argued that the reward giver would need to know the learner to know what the correct reinforcement would be to ensure effective reinforcement. A negative factor would be too much adult involvement. (McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003) A positive classroom environment is one where the teacher adopts the cognitive style of learning.The teacher allows more class involvement and often sits amongst the class rather than standing at the front. The lessons would have a more adaptable framework which allows students to be more independent, the student would be able to set their own targets /goals thus creating independent learning and thinking. The lessons would include role play, presentation discussions, group work, research and working in pairs. The teacher would empower her students to self learn so rather than being a role model would become a facilitator. McNeill, Blundell et al, 2003) Other methods of managi ng behaviour are rewards and sanctions, teacher can rewards children for good behaviour or finishing their work with verbal praise, stars, certificates or table points. Teachers may also give children sanction such as a time out or losing five minutes of playtime. When dishing out sanctions/reward the teacher must be consistent and they have to be relevant and meaningful to the child, it could be argued that to ensure the effectiveness of reinforcers the teacher would need to know the learner. Word Count 1998 BibliographyBROWNE, K. (2008). Sociology. 3rd Ed, Cambridge: polity press. BRUCE, T, MEGGITT, C (2006) Childcare and Education, 3rd Ed, London: Hodder ; Stoughton. MARCUS, M, DUCKLIN, A. (1998) Success in Sociology London John Murray MCNEILL, P. BLUNDELL, J. GRIFFITHS, J. (2003). Sociology. The complete companion. 3rd Ed, Cheltenham: Nelson Thorne. ROBINSON, M. BEITH, K. PULLIN, L. (1998) Early Years Care and Education, 2nd Ed, Oxford: Heinemann. www. childdevelopmentinfo. com/ – updated 26th June 2007-accessed 5th June 2010 http://raisingchildren. net. au/preschoolers/preschoolers. html |

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Creon’s tragic Downfall Essay

Creon is the tragic hero of the play, Antigone, by Sophocles, and suffers the greatest downfall. It all begins when he maes his public announcment as the new king. He states his message loud and clearly to everyone, that if anyone feels the need to bury the body od Polyneices, they will be going against the law and will be sentenced to death. In this powerful speech, he shows the need for control and order in the way he plans to rule. At the same time, he is showing arrogance in the way he insures all of his choices in judgement are correct. Creon is told that someone has gone against his words and burried the body of Polyneices; he becomes outraged and orders the sentry to find him and turn him over at once. The sentry watches as he sees Antigone come out to bury her brother’s body for a second time. He catches her and she is presented to Creon. Creon questions her, and she does not deny what she has done. He orders her to death. She tells him her reasons for her actions, but they are completely ignored by Creon. Antigone is going to be taken toa vault and left to die. Creon, being stubborn, won’t even listen to the pleas and threats of his own son, but when Teiresias enters, he listens to what will happen if he does not change his decisions. So he takes a drastic turn. He pushed all of his arrogance aside, along with his stobbornness and he asks for help, â€Å"what shall I do?† At this moment he becomes weak in front of his people. Creon the king, asking for help? He is suppose to know it all! He is then told to go quickly and free Antigone from her vault and build a tomb for the body of Polynieces. Creon is ordered to do exactly what he stated was against the law, but in order to save himself, he follows everything that he is told. Immediately he performs a burial for Polynieces and digs out Antigone’s vault, in hopes of saving himself from the proce of paying flesh for flesh. Asking for help is not an easy thing to do, especially when you’re so head strong like Creon, but asking for help in a situation where you know you need it shows incredible courage. If only Creon had done it a little bit  earlier. After doing everything he could to change his stubborn choices, he fails. Mourning over what destruction he had caused, the deaths of his wife, son, and Antigone are his entire fault. He has tragicallu ruined himself, and now instead of dying,je os fprced to live in shame and in great pain in front of the people he ruled for his short time as king.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Auditor Crazy Eddie

Auditor Crazy Eddie Question: What specific mistakes (apart from failure to notice â€Å"red flags†) did the auditor make? For each mistake, describe what the auditor should have done. If you were the Managing Partner for the CPA firm and had full knowledge of all the facts and events in this case, what changes in policy or procedures would you implement to make sure this audit failure does not occur in the future? The Crazy Eddie’s financial statements had many fraudulent over and understatements done in many ways that the auditors should have caught. They created fictitious revenues by a number of means. They prepared phony invoices showing sales which overstated their revenues to show the company was growing faster than they actually were. Their vendors collaborated in the fraud by lying to the auditors when the auditors attempted to confirm some of these receivables. The auditors were not diligent when they verified these invoices. They should have probed further into the vendors to v erify that these sales occurred. They also should have understood the relationship between Cray Eddie’s and their vendors to understand if there were motives for fraud. They overstated their assets by overvaluing inventory. They would borrow merchandise from suppliers to inflate the ending inventory. The suppliers would ship the merchandise to the Crazy Eddie’s stores and hold the billing until after the end of the accounting period. The employees of Crazy Eddie went to great extents to deceive the auditors. They would move inventory to the stores or warehouses that were being audited to conceal the shortages. The auditors should have caught that the merchandise was not billed and understood what accounts they charged in the books when the merchandise was received. Another means of overstating the inventory was they shipped inventory from one store to another store so it could be double counted. This should have been caught by the auditors by having the entire inventor y verified in parallel. The employees included in their inventory consigned merchandise and goods being returned to suppliers. This could have been found by understanding the details of Crazy Eddie’s inventory. The auditor should have identified the consigned merchandise and goods being return to separate it from the normal inventory. Crazy Eddie used the accounting periods to overstate assets and income. They held off closing the books past the end of the accounting period to overstated assets and income by boosting sales. The other means used was to reduce liabilities and expenses by not recording them until the next period. The auditors should have verified books at the end of the accounting periods to make sure that all transactions were recorded. The auditors needed to verify the transactions around the end of the period to verify their timing accuracy. Another category of fraudulent activities was when they were completing their financial statements. They didn’t adequately disclose facts in the financial statements according to GAAP. The footnote during one period stated that certain income was recognized when received and the following period disclosed that income was recognized when earned. The auditors should have added an explanatory paragraph or a modification of wording for lack of consistent application of GAAP.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Why the American Civil Rights Movement was more successful than Essay

Why the American Civil Rights Movement was more successful than movements for foreigners rights in Japan have been (at least so far) - Essay Example In the U.S, the major social movement was the African-American Civil Rights movement whose main goal was to bring an end to discrimination and racial segregation to the Africans living in the country. The movement heavily campaigned on civil resistance by arranging civil disobedience and non-violence protests, which would lead to crisis all over the country. Industrial boycott was the mostly used as it negatively affected the country’s economic activities as almost all Africans worked as factory workers all over the entire country. Their efforts were rewarded when the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed (DAngelo, 2001). The Act banned any form of discrimination based on a person’s religion, color, sex, race and national origin in employment and public interaction. Another enactment that was pushed by the movement was the 1965 Voting Rights Act, which stated the voting rights of migrants to the U.S and protecting these rights. The foreigner rights movement in Japan fought f or the few migrants to the country who were subjects to discrimination, harsh treatment by the authorities and racial discrimination. The movement arranged protests and boycott but only a few people came out to fight for their rights. The movement did not have the numbers to push for an end of the oppression foreigners were going through. Another reason why the foreigner rights movements in Japan failed to be successful was the lack of major legislative processes that would lead to the enactment of Acts that would help fight for their rights. The political opportunity and framing theory of social movement clearly explains why the movement in the U.S became successful and contributed to the passage of major bills, which resulted to the end of migrant oppression in the country as compared to the foreigner movement in Japan (Tsuda, 2006). One of the key bases that led to the success of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Critical Thinking Questions - Strategy and Competition Essay

Critical Thinking Questions - Strategy and Competition - Essay Example When an organization is in trouble the management can first think about retrenchment. Retrenchment is about making specific changes through cost and asset reduction to reverse declining profits. When an organization is specifically weak in a strong industry then the management can think about regrouping the strengths and evaluating the strategy at present to make specific changes. This process will highlight the areas that are weak and needs restructuring. Retrenchment helps in slowing down the decline in profits in the short run and in the long run when combined with other proactive strategies helps in the reversal of the profitability position. When the retrenchment strategy does not work, the management can try divestiture. Divestiture means selling off a weaker decision or a part of the organization. When it is distinct that a particular division is responsible for the overall loss of the organization the management can think about divestiture. When both the above said strategies do not work then the last option is the liquidation. Liquidation is recognition of defeat and is a very emotionally challenging strategy. When the damage can be controlled through alternative strategy, liquidation can be the last option. Change in relationships: The relationships within the organizations and with the external environment have changed because of disappearing levels of management. An organization depends on information technology, the internet, organizations are becoming flatter and leadership from top down has become obsolete. Disappearance of geographic distance: Resources are outsourced from companies across the world and formation of strategic partnerships has been enabled only because of internet connectivity. By outsourcing of services and procurement of the resources from the point of origin, cost is saved for the companies. Customer satisfaction: By

Management of Human Resource Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Management of Human Resource - Assignment Example A company with a good HRM that ensures recruiting the best employees, retaining the best performing workforce and awarding them may have an edge as far as competitive advantage is concerned (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2012). Companies such as Apple have been able to retain their best employees and ensuring competitive compensation. This has made the company have a competitive advantage in the mobile phone industry. Planning is essential to gaining a competitive advantage. Human resource management ought to proficiently make strategic plans that will sustain the firm for decades. Planning is essential since it ensures building of the capacity and capability of the employees (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2012). This may play an integral role in achieving full potential. Planning may further help in achieving a competitive organization behavior, making significant decisions such as hiring experienced professionals, determining competitive pay and tactics, determining competitive training programs and ensuring employee relations. To members of the organization, human resource management should deal with issues that may improve employee compensation, creating a good working environment and issuance of long term contracts hence boosting employees’ morale and raising their confidence (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2012). Further, human resource management should work towards the business continuity, boost financial returns and build an attractive business name that can impress or rather reward the company owners or investors. In addition, customers’ issues should be prioritized by the human resource management by encouraging innovativeness, lowering prices of products and ensuring both reliability and quality (Jackson, Schuler & Werner, 2012). Human resource management should also strive to adapt an organized problem solving ability among employees as well as raising trust among the employees. This may have an overall advantage on the company

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Career development plan part 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Career development plan part 1 - Essay Example It was found that the existing sales force of â€Å"Inerclean† and â€Å"Envirotech† are comparatively different in nature. On one hand where the â€Å"Interclean† sales force are focused more on closing the deal than anything else. The â€Å"Envirotech† sales forces on the other hand, are more customers centric, constantly looking for better relation with customers. The merger between the two organizations has created a need for more sales force under its fold. Thus, after various review and consultation session a decision was taken to recruit four â€Å"outside sales representative† and â€Å"one sales manager†, in addition to the existing combined sales workforce. The purpose of this additional sales force would be to reinforce the existing sales workforce in addition of bringing the much needed innovation in the existing workforce. A recruitment and Selection process has to be undertaken for recruiting the new sales force. However, the first thing needed to be done is - â€Å"Job Analysis and Job Description† so as to help the company select the best fit sales force accordingly. After the whole â€Å"Recruitment and Selection† process is completed, a comprehensive career development plan has to be made so as to motivate the team to achieve its objectives. â€Å"Job Analysis† and consecutive â€Å"Job Description† are necessary before undertaking any â€Å"Recruitment and Selection† process. It is necessary to understand the characteristics of the candidates the organization is looking for and the type of candidates who is best fit for the job. Job Analysis may be defined as a written document of a job/ position and the corresponding duties associated with it. Various elements like Job Title, Job Details and Job Criteria are few of the elements of Job description. Job Analysis helps an organization in determining the key knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics also known as KSAOs, needed for a particular position. Job

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

African American film genre Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

African American film genre - Essay Example Long before John Crow's laws,white Americans had already a pre-conceived view of black people as inferior,which helped them justify slavery.After all they were unable to learn English and spoke Pigeon English,another proof that blacks were not intelligent. From the 1620s, blacks were stereotyped and the emergence of minstrel shows in the 1840s only helped in branding even more this misconception, (Davis) and introducing black caricatures, portrayed by white actors with black-make-up, as the coons, the toms, and the mammies at first, and later on followed by the mulattoes and the bucks. The first movie ever where African Americans appear was screened in 1898, where it showed black soldiers in the Spanish-American war. But it was with the 1903 movie with a black character, Uncle Tom, directed by Edwin S. Porter, a white man, that we can pinpoint the beginning of the American film industry incorporating black characters. Tom was portrayed by a white actor with black make-up. In the movi e, Tom is the typical skinny, middle-aged, desexed slave, totally loyal to his white master, a far cry from the original Tom portrayed in Harriet Beecher Stowe's book Uncle Tom's Cabin, which showed a gentle, kind, and forgiving man. This first portrayal of a black in film sealed even more this misconstrued idea of black inferiority and became a vehicle used to the advantage of whites not only for entertainment but also for economic reasons - advertisement for sellable products -. What no one foresaw then was the planting of the seed of the actual African American film industry with a slew of black actors who "elevated [these roles] and brought to [them] arty qualities if not pure art." (Bogle 23). That was the essence of black film history. When one tries to discuss and describe African American film industry, one cannot help but go back in time and start with the characterization that white people so strongly believed in, leading them to create caricatures of black people in the burgeoning entertainment industry. So, it is impossible not to describe the four categories of stereotypes that kept reoccurring throughout the twentieth century. These four characters were the foundation of the entertainment industry as seen by white producers, who soon came to realize that it was also a tool to instigate war or peace, tolerance and understanding versus discrimination and segregation. The four black figures were the Tom, the Mammies, the Coons, and the Bucks. The Tom, the ever subservient, good-natured, stoic, selfless and loyal to a fault, as seen in Jezebel (1938), Love Thy Neighbor (1940), where Tom was portrayed by Eddie Anderson, Edge of the City (1957), and The Defiant Ones (1958), where Sidney Poitier characters sacrifice themselves for their white friends. The Coons with very black faces, bulging eyeballs and thick red lips, which represented the black buffoon, himself subdivided into two groups, the Pickanny and the Uncle Ramus, "a cousin to Tom. (Bogle 8) Mantan Moreland made the coon character renown from the late 1930s to the early 1970s when "he still [made] cameo appearances"(Bogle 72). The Mammy, usually fat, big and cantankerous, but still sweet and good-tempered, made her first big appearance in 1914's Lysistrata, and was used as the recognizable face on pancake boxes and syrup, but was made famous by Hattie McDaniel in the 1930s (no one can forge t her in Gone with the Wind). Of course, the tragic Mulatto caught between the white and the black world and unable to find her place in neither one of them as portrayed in the 1912 movie The Debt, and the tear-jerker movie Imitation of Life in 1934. Finally, the last of the categories, the Buck, whose introduction in the 1915 racist movie by D.W. Griffith, The Birth of a Nation, brought a slew of controversies, was a brute, a liar, a cheat and a rapist. This blatantly anti-black movie that became a propaganda vehicle for the Ku Klux Klan, was also the coup de

Monday, September 23, 2019

Rechargeable Batteries report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Rechargeable Batteries report - Assignment Example 14). This paper is a report on the development of rechargeable batteries in terms of technology, uses, cost, size and environmental friendliness. Rechargeable batteries are electrochemical cells that produce energy through a reversible chemical reaction as defined by Li, Weng and Chan (2011). The potential of these cells to be recharged makes them fall under the group of secondary cells. Like other cells, rechargeable cells comprise of various sizes and are manufactured in various shapes. The diverse types of rechargeable cells are made though technological combination of various chemicals to enhance their effectiveness and energy output. Trevey and Bright (2011, p. 139) say that when compared to disposable batteries, rechargeable batteries are less harmful to the environment. Additionally, rechargeable batteries are less costly than the disposable ones. According to Lim (2010, p. 22), the development of rechargeable batteries was aimed at enhancing their use in the portable appliances such as mobile phones. In the motor vehicle industry, rechargeable batteries have commonly been used in vehicle starters. The development in the use of rechargeable batteries is parallel to the advances in technology which has led to innovations of various appliances, equipment and hardware. The development of light vehicles such as electric bikes and wheelchairs has also led to the application of rechargeable batteries in motorizing these vehicles. Li, Weng and Chan (2011) add that rechargeable batteries have found wide use in sports such motorizing golf carts. Cameras which capture sports activities also apply rechargeable batteries to enhance the experiences of the viewer which are related to the increased demands of consumers for the enhancements of technology. Rechargeable batteries are also finding increasing use within the computing environment. The advances in information and computing technology have led to the development of portable

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Societal Standards Essay Example for Free

Societal Standards Essay Imagine a 62 man with broad shoulders, deep voice, hairy body, masculine personality, and pink glittery nail polish. His friends give him a hard time about it, they say that he is not a real man. He decides to hang out with more woman and when more and more people start to consider him gay, he becomes it. Men do not have the wiggle room to explore the feminine stereotypes. Masculine stereotypes are more confining than feminine stereotypes in the social and professional world. Social masculine stereotypes are more confining than feminine stereotypes. Men are more strictly contained while women are more open to explore a variety of stereotypes. In a recent, USA Today article Gender Stereotypes author Seine Wenig writes on a strict line drawn between masculine and female stereotypes. Yet how this line is slowly fading the woman. Wenig reiterates how for girls There is ample room to maneuver and how Ever-growing range of tomboys sports options which in the past were mostly the domain of boys. Girls can now be free and engage in activities and sports which boys dominate. While male stereotypes and stereotypical fathers cause men to have a more confined space in which they could explore and move due to the fact that stereotypical fathers expect athletic success rather than academic success. Girls are Given more room to explore their counterparts culture while males are stuck in a much tighter box to move about in meaning they are not able to explore the feminine stereotypes. Therefore ,masculine stereotypes are more confined than feminine stereotypes in the social aspect. Masculine stereotypes are more professionally confining than feminine stereotypes. There are fewer choices for careers for men that then for women due to stereotypes. In a 2011 article from USA Today, Gender Stereotypes Easing More for Girls than Boys. Author Seth Wenig describes the ultimate confinement for men in the professional mainstream society. He restates how, women now make up close to half to enrollment in US law and medical schools up from 25% a few decades ago. Now due to the ever-changing world girls now have more choices for careers then their male counterparts. More females are going and graduating from schools which prepare them for a lifelong career not just being nurse as it was thought to be in the past. Men choose not to be nurses because main stream society would not find being a nurse very masculine because it is a mostly female occupied feel due to the fact it has to do with the Female stereotype of caring for another human being. Women are given more opportunities than men to succeed in the professional world, which leave men with fewer choices for careers. Therefore masculine stereotypes are more professionally confining than feminine stereotypes. Addressing the problems of social standards of man and woman requires the ultimate settlement of what it means to be a man and what it what it means to be a woman. Men do not have them of wiggle room to explore the female stereotypes while free to roam all round all stereotypes. When a female try to succeed in a mostly male dominant profession, she is led to shine while when a man tries to do the same he is shun. If men continue to be confined by so societal standards, this will cause a civilization in which it is easier to be a woman than to be a man. Leading men to either join the female standard and gender or collapse under the confinement of their own standards.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Study on phelan mcdermid syndrome

Study on phelan mcdermid syndrome Seventy-five percent of individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome have pure 22q deletions, which are either terminal or interstitial. A terminal deletion involves a single break in the long arm of chromosome 22 that removes the distal portion. An interstitial deletion occurs when two breaks occur within the long arm of chromosome 22 and only the segment between the two breaking points is lost. In Phelan-McDermid Syndrome, terminal deletions occur more commonly than interstitial. As is the case for many other terminal deletion syndromes, the pure deletions most often occur on the chromosome that is inherited paternally. The remaining 25 percent of individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome have deletions that result from other structural translocations or rearrangements (Phelan, 2007; Bonaglia et al., 2006). The mode of inheritance for 80 percent of affected individuals is a de novo chromosome deletion (Phelan, 2007). A de novo chromosome deletion is an anomaly that occurs in the individual and is not inherited from the parents, who have normal karyotypes (National Human Genome Research Institute, 2010). Thus, the recurrence risk of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome for the future pregnancies of parents with normal karyotypes is highly unlikely. However, about 20 percent of affected individuals experience a familial mode of inheritance in which one parent passes on an unbalanced chromosome. When a familial mode of inheritance is involved, there is an increased risk of having other affected pregnancies. Therefore, it is highly recommended for these parents to receive genetic counseling in order to address future recurrence risks (Cusmano-Ozog, Manning, Hoyme, 2007; Robin, 2008). Individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome share a common phenotype that includes hypotonia, global developmental delay, normal to accelerated growth, severely delayed to absent expressive language, autistic-like behaviors, and dysmorphic features (ONeill, Kniffin, Hamosh, Dolan, McKusick, 2009). The first presenting symptoms of the syndrome, which begin to become evident during infancy, are usually hypotonia, feeding problems, and developmental delay (Phelan, 2008). Typical craniofacial characteristics of individuals with this syndrome include a high forehead, a disproportionately long and narrow head, puffy and drooping eyelids, large ears, a smooth philtrum without Cupids bow, a wide nasal tip, and a pointed chin. (Manning et al., 2004; Cusmano-Ozog, Manning, Hoyme, 2007). Other common physical traits are large, fleshy hands, swollen feet, syndactyly of the toes, and a chronic lack of perspiration that often leads to overheating (Havens, Visootsak, Phelan, Graham, 2004). Althoug h chronic otitis media is common, most individuals with this syndrome have normal hearing (Phelan, 2007). As noted, autistic-like behaviors are present. These include poor eye contact, self-stimulatory actions, tactile sensitivity, and a decreased interest in socializing. It has been suggested that Phelan-McDermid Syndrome is a type of syndromic autism (Phelan, 2008). Additional behavioral aspects present include an increased tolerance to pain, frequent mouthing and chewing of non-food objects, hyperactivity, short attention span, and, at times, aggression (Havens, Visootsak, Phelan, Graham, 2004; Philippe et al., 2008). Most individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome experience a severe to profound intellectual disability (Phelan, 2007). The degree of phenotype expression and severity of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome are dependent upon the size of the deletion (Manning et al., 2004). The size of deletion varies from a very small 100 kilobases to a substantial 9 megabases. One hundred kilobases are equivalent to 100,000 deleted base pairs of DNA, and 9 megabases are equivalent to 9 million deleted base pairs of DNA (Phelan, 2008). Prasad and colleagues (2000) presented case studies of individuals affected by Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. Of their case studies, the patient with the largest deletion presented the most severe developmental delay in addition to other comorbid features, such as seizures. Recent findings have suggested that deletion of the SHANK3 gene, which is also called PROSAP2, is responsible for the neurological features of global developmental delay and severely delayed to absent expressive language that are demonstrated in individuals affected by Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (Durrand et al., 2007). The SHANK3 gene belongs to a family of proteins and it is involved in the formation and maintenance of synapses. This gene is located in the critical region for this syndrome, 22q13.3, and a deletion of the SHANK3 gene has been present in all reported cases of the syndrome. In fact, a SHANK3 gene deletion hot spot has been identified in numerous unrelated cases where the breakpoint has occurred in an essentially identical location. However, it is important to note that individuals who have the same type of SHANK3 gene deletion will still present different degrees of severity in their phenotype due to other confounding factors (Bonaglia et al., 2006). The first diagnosed case of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome was documented in 1985 (Prasad et al., 2000), and, since then, there have been more than 500 cases identified worldwide (Unique, 2008). Among the documented cases, the age at which individuals have been diagnosed with this syndrome has widely ranged from prenatally (with the use of amniocentesis) to 46 years of age (Cusmano-Ozog, Manning, Hoyme, 2007). Reportedly, the deletion does not have a gender preference as it is equally frequent in males and females. Because no life-threatening characteristics are associated with this syndrome, overall life expectancy is considered to be normal (Unique, 2008). This syndrome is highly under-diagnosed due to clinical and laboratory difficulties. Therefore, its true incidence is unknown. At the clinical level, healthcare professionals may be unfamiliar with or fail to notice the phenotypical characteristics associated with this syndrome that would warrant a referral for further cytogenetic testing (Phelan et al., 2001). Also, at the laboratory level, the deletion is often subtle and it can be undetected by a routine chromosome analysis. In fact, over 30% of individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome have required two or more chromosome analyses to discover the deletion (Phelan, 2008). Thus, enhanced molecular cytogenetic testing, such as fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH), are utilized to verify the presence of the 22q13.3 deletion (Feenstra, Brunner, Van Ravenswaaij, 2006; Sathyamoorthi et al., 2009). FISH and array CGH are used to detect the deletion of a specific genetic segment in the chromosome that goes undetected due to its small size. These tests differ in that FISH focuses on a specific genomic region, while array CGH is able to focus on a specific region and test hundreds of additional genomic regions simultaneously during one experiment (Robin, 2008). By aiding in the detection of the 22q13.3 deletion, FISH and array CGH also assist in the differential diagnosis of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. Several of its phenotypical features, such as hypotonia and global developmental delay, are also common features that are found in other disorders. Individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome are often initially misdiagnosed with another condition until further testing is conducted. This syndrome is most commonly misdiagnosed as Angelman Syndrome or Velocardiofacial Syndrome (Phelan, 2008). Management Phelan-McDermid Syndrome is a life-long condition, and its management involves the assistance of several healthcare professionals. Among these professionals are the primary care physician, clinical geneticist, neurologist, physical therapist, and speech-language pathologist. The following are some of the responsibilities of these professionals with regard to this syndrome. In addition to providing routine medical treatment, the primary care physician is involved in noting the clinical presentation of the syndromes phenotype and referring a patient for genetic testing. The clinical geneticist is responsible for performing the cytogenetic testing that is necessary to confirm the diagnosis of Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. The neurologist and physical therapist will often work together to treat the hypotonia (Cusmano-Ozog, Manning, Hoyme, 2007; Phelan, 2008). Role of the Speech-Language Pathologist The hypotonia that begins to become evident during infancy usually results in feeding and swallowing difficulties. Thus, a speech-language pathologist is often necessary for the purpose of feeding and swallowing evaluations and intervention. Several behavioral aspects, such as hyperactivity, self-stimulatory actions, and attention difficulties, are often treated with medication. However, in addition to the physicians pharmacological approach, a speech-language pathologist can also help with the implementation of functional alternatives to these challenging behaviors. A speech-language pathologist will also focus on addressing the negative pragmatic aspects of this syndrome that include aversion to socializing and aggressiveness (Phelan, 2008). Many studies have found that individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome have receptive language skills that are significantly greater than their expressive language abilities. Thus, these individuals often benefit from the use of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) systems. A speech-language pathologist can implement the use of AAC systems, such as a simple picture card system, so that individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome who have significant language delays are able to better communicate with those around them (Havens, Visootsak, Phelan, Graham, 2004). Picture exchange communication systems (PECs), computer touch screens, and voice based systems are most commonly recommended for these individuals because these systems are compatible with their needs and the presence of hypotonia, which makes it difficult to communicate through other methods, such as sign language (Unique, 2008). In conclusion, individuals with Phelan-McDermid Syndrome exhibit a common phenotype that includes several cognitive, behavioral, and physical aspects. This syndrome is a life-long condition, and its management requires the help of a multidisciplinary team of professionals. The role of the speech-language pathologist in this syndrome is especially important due to the feeding and swallowing difficulties, challenging behaviors, and the significant communicative impairment experienced by individuals affected by Phelan-McDermid Syndrome.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Naturalism in Jack Londons To Build a Fire Essay -- Jack London To Bu

Naturalism in Jack London's "To Build a Fire" This essay has problems with format When Jack London wrote "To Build a Fire" he embraced the idea of naturalism because it mirrored the events of daily life. Naturalism showed how humans had to be wary at every corner because at anytime death could be there, waiting for them to make a mistake and forfeit their lives. He used naturalism, the most realistic literary movement, to show how violent and uncaring nature really is and how no matter what you do nature will always be there. London also presented the basic idea of Darwinism and the survival of the fittest, basically if you are dumb you will die. Collectively, London used naturalism to show how in life, humans can depend on nothing but themselves to survive. "To Build a Fire" is a short story that embodies the idea of naturalism and how, if one is not careful, nature will gain the upper hand and they will perish. When the narrator introduced the main character of the story, the man, he made it clear that the man was in a perilous situation involving the elements. The man was faced with weather that was 75 degrees below zero and he was not physically or mentally prepared for survival. London wrote that the cold "did not lead him to meditate upon his frailty as a creature of temperature, and upon man's frailty in general, able only to live within certain narrow limits of heat and cold."(p.1745) At first when the man started his journey to the camp, he felt certain that he could make it back to camp before dinner. As the trip progressed, the man made mistake after mistake that sealed his fate. The man's first mistake was to step into a pool of water and soak his legs to the knees. This blunder forced the man to build a fire to dry his wet socks and shoes so his feet would not freeze and become frostbitten. When the man began to build a fire he failed to notice that he was doing so under a large, snow laden spruce tree where he was getting his firewood. When the man had a small fire that was beginning to smolder the disturbance to the tree caused the snow to tumble to the ground and extinguish the fire. "It was his own fault or, rather, his mistake. He should not have built the fire under the spruce tree. He should have built it in the open."(1750). That minor detail of the critical placement of the fire ultimately cost the man his life. The third... ...t when he began to panic as the second fire extinguished. He seemed as though he had lost all knowledge of his survival skills. He thought about killing the dog and wallowing in its steaming insides for refuge from the cold. "The sight of the dog put a wild idea into his head. He remembered the tale of a man, caught in a blizzard, who killed a steer and crawled inside the carcass, and so was saved."(1752). When the man realized that the dog would not let him come near he was forced to concoct another plan. His idea was that if he ran all the way to the camp, he would be able to survive. Unfortunately, that plan failed as well and the man perished in the cold, numbing snow of the Yukon. Overall, naturalism is the most realistic literary movement. It parallels life more than any other movement because it reveals the fact that nature has not heart and no emotions. Nature feels no compassion for human struggles and will continue on it's path of destruction and harm regardless of the circumstances. Works Cited: London, Jack. "To Build A Fire." Sipiora, Phillip. Reading and Writing About Literature. Ed. Phillip Sipiora. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc., 2002. 149-158.

Free Essays on The Stranger (The Outsider): Disillusionment :: Camus Stranger Essays

Disillusionment in Camus' The Stranger (The Outsider) In Albert Camus' The Stranger (The Outsider), the protagonist Meursault is clearly disillusioned of life in general. Two examples of this disillusionment occurred in the instances of his mother's death and an offer to be transferred to another work environment. This incomplacency is paramount in discerning this meticulous, selfish Camusian character. In regard to his mother's death, he seemed indifferent at the loss of her life. He was so uninterested in her funeral that he remarked the following: "...I can be there for the vigil and come back tomorrow night" (Camus 3). His mother appeared to slow him down. He claimed he never went to visit her in the nursing home because she enjoyed it too much. Nonetheless, he admitted, in addition, that the visit "took up my Sunday -- not to mention the trouble of getting to the bus, buying tickets, and spending two hours traveling" (Camus 5). To further define his insensitivity, Meursault shed not even one tear in this part of the novel; moreover, he expressed no form of sorrow whatsoever. Likewise, Meursault's attitude and reaction toward an offer to be relocated to a Parisian location was a monumental indicator of his insensitivity. One would expect him to accept or decline the offer graciously and respectfully. Meursault proved, again, to be unpredictable when he states, in regard to his then current life and a possible reincarnation in Paris: " (life) was all the same to me" (Camus 41). Caught off-guard by his response, Meursault's boss asked yet another question: was Meursault interested in a change of life? Unmoved, Meursault further retorted that one life was as good as another, and, furthermore, he wasn't dissatisfied with his current status at all. (Notice how he never stated that he was happy with it either.) Meursault's boss blasted him, crying that Meursault never gave him a straight answer and had no ambition; his boss sad both of which were "disastrous" qualities in business (Camus 41).

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

My Life with Thoreau Essay example -- How Education Has Changed My Life

It was my high school teacher, Anna Shaughnessy, who introduced me to Henry David Thoreau. His Walden was not part of the course of study. She asked whether I knew of this Massachusetts writer. I didn't. Without scaring me off by proclaiming how great he was, she said he had lived and died in obscurity. But not like some romantic poet in a dusty garret. He had done all kinds of work for a living-been a schoolteacher, surveyor, pencil-maker, gardener, carpenter, mason, lecturer, naturalist, as well as keeper of a personal journal into which he wrote two million words. "Thoreau was born in 1817, about a hundred years before you," Miss Shaughnessey said. "But I think, when you read him, you'll find his ideas, his way of looking at life, will mean as much to you as if he were born yeste...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

A Million Little Pieces Character List

A Million Little Pieces Characters James (1:1) Main character, miserable, self centered, drug addict Mom (1:2) James mother, she’s always upset, sad, she cries a lot Dad (1: 2) Is in charge of most family affairs, happy, concerned Nurse (1:8) she wears all white, smiles a lot administers the shots Men in White (1:11) the men in white take him away Doctor Baker (1:15) kind eyes, rehab doctor, helpful James’s love interest Lilly (1:18) black hair and blue eyes, drug addictLilly’s Dad (1:23) Left Lilly’s family when she was four Lilly’s Mom (1:23) Heroin addict, prostitute Lilly’s Grandmother (1:23) pays for Lilly’s, cared for Lilly as a child, dies while Lilly is still in rehab Roy (1:23) James roommate, follows the rules Larry (1:25)35 southern accent, short, alcoholic Warren (1:25)50, tall, thin, well dressed John (1:26) nervous and hypersexual ninja, addicted to cokeKen (1:28) Unit recovery counselor, nice at first but ends up being a wful Hank (1:35) the driver who works at the rehab, James friend, messy looking old man with white hair and blue eyes Dentist Stevens (1:36) does James surgery, he doesn’t use pain killers Amy (1:43) James sober friend Lucinda (1:43) James sober friend Courtney (1:43) James sober friend Lincoln (1:53) Unit supervisor, he hates James Joanne (1:53) Staff psychologist, secretly dating hank Ed (1:56) short man, nosey, blue collar worker Ted (1:76) tall man, deep southern accent Bill (1:77) the founder of AAMichelle (1:80) one of the only people who comes to visit James in rehab, James’ sober friend Bald Man (1:85) Alcoholic, has a wife and two kids, cries during a group meeting and gets made fun of Mickey (2:121) the gangster that Leo looked up to as a child, adopted him when he was a teenager, married to Geena Geena (2:121) Mickey’s wife and Leonard’s adopted mother, very sweet Eric (2:125) Roy’s friend who tells the counselors that Roy picked the fig ht Julie (2:126) James friend who comes to see him in rehab, very for giving Kirk (2:126) James friend, who comes to visit him in rehab, Matt (2:161) Featherweight Champion, addicted to crackDaniel (3:247) Counselor at family rehab center Sophie (3:259) Addict, alcoholic, married to Tony, is in the same rehab as James Michael (4:353) James friend, one of the guys who go with James to the bar for his first time when he’s out of rehab Kevin (4:424) James friend, one of the guys who goes with James to the bar for his first time when he’s out of rehab Bob (4:424)James friend, one of the guys who goes with James to the bar for his first time when he’s out of rehab Chapter One- (112 pages) James is a drug addict who is angry, sad and on the verge of death.In order to stay alive he must learn to live a sober life so his family sends him to rehab. In the rehab facility he finds a group of patients he fits in with and gets in a fight with Roy. Chapter Two- (113pages) Jam es continues rehab and is doing well. He starts to make friends with Leonard and they help each other through rehab. James also begins to meet secretly with a girl named Lilly even though it’s against regulations. James has an older brother that starts coming to see him on visiting days.Chapter Three- (113 pages) James begins family counseling and is having a lot of trouble dealing with his parents. Meanwhile, Lilies grandmother gets sick so Lilly leaves the rehab facility and relapses. Despite the consequences James goes after her, he does not relapse and they return together. Chapter Four- (69 pages) Aside from having nightmares about using drugs James is doing well in rehab and Lilly is recovering. James is released from rehab, shortly after Lilly’s grandmother dies and Lilly commits suicide. James is doing well and has yet to relapse.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Total Ozone And 11 Year Solar Cycle Environmental Sciences Essay

The chief purpose of the present survey is to look into further into the association between entire ozone ( TOZ ) and 11-year solar rhythm ( SC ) , during the period 1979 – 2010 by using satellite observations of TOZ and impulse flux ( MF ) . A positive correlativity between the one-year mean entire ozone ( TOZ ) over both hemispheres and macula figure ( SN ) is found. On the contrary, concentrating on the January and February mean monthly TOZ fluctuations from the equator to the high latitudes, of the Northern Hemisphere no association between TOZ and SN is derived. It is attributed to the being of the quasi-biennial-oscillation ( QBO ) and the El Ni & A ; ntilde ; o-Southern oscillation ( ENSO ) in TOZ clip series, . However, when sing TOZ over the zonary agencies centred at 17.5 & A ; deg ; N and 27.5 & A ; deg ; N and SN during the old ages of the east stage of QBO in the equatorial zonary air current at 50hPa, a important correlativity between TOZ and SN reveals. These fi ndings are of important importance because solar radiation is a major driving force of the clime system. 1. Introduction Several surveies have shown that fluctuations in the 11-year solar irradiance and subsequent UV soaking up by ozone cause alterations in temperature and air current in the upper stratosphere ( Crooks and Gray, 2005 ; Alexandris et Al. 1999 ; Kondratyev and Varotsos 1996 ; Katsambas et Al. 1997 ) . These comparatively weak direct alterations could change the upward extension of planetary-scale moving ridges and lead to an indirect feedback on the lower ambiance through a alteration of the stratospheric mean circulation – Brewer- Dobson circulation ( Gernandt et al. 1995 ; Kodera and Kuroda, 2002 ; Tzanis and Varotsos, 2008 ; Cracknell and Varotsos 1994, 1995 ; Efstathiou et al. , 2003 ; Gernandt et al. , 1995 ; Varotsos, 2002, 2005 ; Varotsos et Al. 1994 ; Varotsos 1989, 2004 ) Matthes et Al. ( 2010 ) indicated that the one-year mean solar response in temperature and ozone in the upper stratosphere is in qualitative understanding with other mold and experimental surveies and does non depend on the presence of the imposed quasi-biennial oscillation ( QBO ) of equatorial air current. However, the solar response in the center to take down stratosphere differs significantly for the two QBO stages. During solar maxima a weaker Brewer-Dobson circulation with comparative downwelling, warming, and enhanced ozone occurs in the tropical lower stratosphere during QBO east conditions, while a stronger circulation, chilling, and decreased ozone exists during QBO west conditions. During QBO east, the combination of production and advection resulted in the net ozone addition, whereas during QBO west, the effects cancel each other and consequence in small net ozone alterations. Matthes et Al. ( 2010 ) showed besides that during Southern Hemisphere ( SH ) tardily winter to early spring, the solar response at polar latitudes switches mark between the two QBO stages and qualitatively confirms observations and other recent theoretical account surveies. Lu et Al. ( 2009 ) proposed some penetrations on the QBO modulated 11-year solar rhythm signals in Northern Hemisphere ( NH ) winter temperature and zonary air current. They used day-to-day ERA-40 Reanalysis and ECMWF Operational information for the period of 1958-2006 in order to analyze the seasonal development of the QBO-solar rhythm relationship at assorted force per unit area degrees up to the stratopause. The consequences showed that the solar signals in the NH winter extratropics are so QBO-phase dependant, traveling poleward and downward as winter progresses with a faster descent rate under westerly QBO than under eastern QBO. In the stratosphere, the signals seemed to be extremely important in late January to early March and have a life span of ?30-50 yearss. Under western QBO, the stratospheric solar signals clearly lead and connected to those in the troposphere in late March and early April where they have a life span of ?10 yearss. Sitnov ( 2009 ) utilizing entire ozone informations obtained in the period of 1957 – 2007 at 10 ground-based European Stationss, investigated the effects of the QBO and 11-year solar rhythm, attesting in entire column ozone. In this work, it was derived that solar activity modulates the stage of the QBO consequence so that the quasi-biennial entire ozone signals during solar upper limit and solar lower limit are about in opposite stage. It was besides demonstrated that stray under lasting conditions of solar lower limit or solar upper limit the QBO effects in entire ozone have the clip graduated table of about 20 months. Titova and Karol ( 2010 ) holding applied the method of discriminant analysis to the TOMS informations of satellite sounding of the entire ozone content ( TOC ) in the March months of 1979-2008, attempted to do a new estimation of the TOC field variableness in the Northern Hemisphere and inter-longitudinal regularities of its alterations under the action of climatic variableness. The effects of temperature fluctuations in the polar stratosphere, El Ni & A ; ntilde ; o -Southern Oscillation ( ENSO ) and QBO seemed to be comparable and make 80 DU in some parts. Titova and Karol ( 2010 ) besides proposed that the parts of TOC fluctuations and their location and dimensions change depending on the stages of QBO, AO, and ENSO. Three parts of increased TOC-over Europe, Eastern Siberia, and the Pacific Ocean-are formed in old ages with a warm stratosphere. A counterbalancing TOC lessening takes topographic point in the Torrid Zones and over Greenland. In the old ages of El Ni & A ; ntilde ; O and the eastern QBO stage, the TOC increases over Europe and drops over the cardinal Pacific, every bit good as to the South from 45 & A ; deg ; N. Ziemke et Al. ( 2010 ) established an ENSO index utilizing column ozone informations measured in tropical latitudes from Nimbus 7 TOMS, Earth Probe TOMS, NOAA SBUV, and Aura OMI orbiter instruments. This index, which covered a clip period from 1979 to the present, was defined as the Ozone ENSO Index ( OEI ) and it was the first developed from atmospheric hint gas measurings. OEI was constructed by first averaging monthly average column ozone over two wide parts in the western and eastern Pacific and taking their difference. The combined Aura OMI and MLS ozone informations confirmed that zonary variableness in entire column ozone in the Torrid Zones caused by ENSO events lies about wholly in the troposphere. As a consequence, OEI can be derived straight from entire column ozone alternatively of tropospheric column ozone. For clear-sky ozone measurements a +1 K alteration in Nino 3.4 index corresponds to +2.9DU ( Dobson Unit ) alteration in OEI, while a +1 hPa alteration in Southern Os cillation index coincides with a ?1.7DU alteration in the OEI. For ozone measurings under all cloud conditions these Numberss are +2.4DU and ?1.4DU, severally. Soukharev ( 1997 ) analyzing the monthly agencies of entire ozone, in months January to March between 1973 – 1995 on five Stationss in Northeastern Europe, indicated statistically important correlativities between the fluctuations of entire ozone in February and, partly, in March, and the SN during the different stages of QBO. Similar correspondence was established between the index of stratospheric circulation and SN sing the QBO stage. Based on the obtained correlativities between the interannual fluctuations of ozone and stratospheric circulation index, Soukharev concluded that a connexion between solar rhythm – QBO – ozone occurs through the kineticss of stratospheric circulation. Varotsos ( 1989 ) analyzing the planetary TOZ, during the period 1958-1984, suggested that there was non any apparent connexion between TOZ and 10.7 centimeter solar flux ( F10.7 ) . However, when the informations were separated harmonizing to the E or west stage of QBO in the equatorial stratosphere, it was derived that entire ozone was positively correlated ( anticorrelated ) with the solar rhythm, during the West ( east ) stage of QBO. The chief purpose of this work is to research farther the association between TOZ and solar activity, from the equator to the high latitudes in both Hemispheres over the last three solar rhythms.2. Datas and analysisQBO informations used in the present paper were calculated at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory-Physical Science Division ( NOAA/ESRL-PSD ) from the zonary norm of the 30mb zonary air current at the equator. Those informations were computed from the NCEP/NCAR Additionally, the average monthly macula Numberss ( SN ) derived from the datasets of the National Geophysical Data Center ( NGDC ) , during the period January 1749 – October 2009, were employed. TOZ informations set, was obtained from Nimbus-7, Meteor-3, and Earth Probe Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer ( TOMS ) and Ozone Monitoring Instrument ( OMI ) , covering the period 1979-2010 ( with measuring spreads for several months of the old ages 1994, 1995 and 1996 ) . Momentum Flux ( MF ) measurings between 45 & A ; deg ; N and 75 & A ; deg ; N, through 1979 – 2010, obtained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center, were besides used. Finally, Ozone ENSO index ( OEI ) measurings obtained by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Goddard Space Flight Center, Code 613.3 Chemistry and Dynamics Branch, in the Torrid Zones during 1979 – 2010, were employed ( Ziemke et al. , 2010 ) . All clip series presented in this survey were normalized ( the long-run mean subtracted and so devided by the standard divergence ) and detrended.3. Discussion and ConsequencesSeveral surveies argued that when the solar UV radiation is stronger, more ozone via the photolysis of O2 would be formed in the upper stratosphere, so that the maximal ozone degree would happen at the maximal solar activity. Very late, Haigh et Al. ( 2010 ) have noticed that during the worsening stage of the most recent '11-year ‘ solar rhythm ( occurred during 2002-2009 ) there was a four to six times larger diminution in UV than would hold been predicted on the footing of our old apprehension. Haigh et Al. ( 2010 ) suggested that this decrease was partly compensated in the entire solar end product by an addition in radiation at seeable wavelengths. More unusually, they have besides showed that these spectral alterations appear to hold led to a important diminution from 2004 to 2007 in stratospheric ozo ne below an height of 45 kilometers, with an addition above this height. Therefore, it is interesting to re-visit the probe of the influence of the solar activity to the column ozone variableness on a planetary and hemispheric footing.3.1. The entire ozone and solar rhythm on a planetary and hemispheric footingAlong the lines above the 11-year solar rhythm and the TOZ one-year average fluctuations over the Earth, the NH and the SH, during the last solar rhythms are shown in Figure cubic decimeter ( a ) , ( B ) , ( degree Celsius ) , severally. Inspection of Figure 1 shows that an evident solar rhythm is outstanding in the TOZ information. To quantify this association the correlativity coefficients were calculated and derived statistically important ( at 95 % assurance degree ) by utilizing the non-parametric Spearman method. a ) B ) degree Celsiuss ) Figure 1. Annual average TOZ and macula figure ( as a placeholder for the 11-year solar rhythm ) over ( a ) the Earth, ( B ) the northern hemisphere, ( degree Celsius ) the southern hemisphere, during 1979 – 2010. TOZ and SN clip series have been normalized and detrended. This in-phase March of TOZ and solar activity is non surprising and it is rather consistent with the current apprehension about the solar forcing in TOZ kineticss. Harmonizing to this, the upper stratospheric ozone response ( 2-3 % between solar lower limit and solar upper limit ) is a direct radiative consequence of warming and photochemistry. The lower stratospheric solar rhythm in tropical ozone appears to be caused indirectly through a dynamical response to solar ultraviolet fluctuations. However, the beginning of such a dynamical response to the solar rhythm is non to the full understood ( WMO 2010 ) .3.2. The entire ozone on the wintertime Northern Hemisphere and solar rhythmTo acquire a better apprehension of the afore-mentioned dynamical TOZ response, the probe of the plausible relationship between TOZ and solar activity would be performed at the wintertime government of the ambiance. Of class, during winter months, the solar rhythm signal is weak compared to big atmospheric fluctuations and the signal is hence more hard to pull out ( Labitzke and new wave Loon, 1988 ) . In an effort to farther research this job, the fluctuations of the average TOZ over the NH during January/February and the corresponding SN values during the period 1979 – 2010 are plotted in Figure 2 ( a ) . a ) B ) Figure 2. ( a ) ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN over the northern hemisphere, during 1979 – 2010. ( B ) The running correlativities ( Rhode Island ) for twelvemonth I between the equatorial zonary air current at 50 hPa and the average TOZ for January and February. TOZ and SN clip series have been normalized and detrended. The decision drawn from Figure 1 ( a ) is that a quasi-periodic constituent ( 2- 4 year ) in the Northern Hemispheric TOZ clip series reduces unusually the above mentioned correlativity between TOZ and SN fluctuations. To look into whether this taint of the association of the TOZ and SN fluctuations by the QBO is a map of the solar activity the method of running correlativities was employed ( Kodera ( 1993 ) . The consequences obtained are shown in Figure 2 ( B ) where the running correlativities ( Rhode Island ) for twelvemonth I between the equatorial zonary air current at 50 hPa and the average TOZ for January and February do non demo an 11-y signal ( figure 2b ) . Therefore, the above-said taint by the QBO of equatorial air current, is independent of the solar rhythm, upseting any evident association between TOZ and SN.3.3. The latitudinal dependance of the association between the wintertime TOZ and solar rhythm at the Northern HemisphereNext, the probe of the possible associatio n between the TOZ and SN is explored as a map of latitude. In this respect, Haigh ( 1994 ) have reported that due to the seasonality, the stratospheric ozone alterations due to solar flux fluctuation are largest at center to high latitudes in the winter hemisphere. Figure 3 ( a-f ) present the January / February mean TOZ and SN from the equator to the high latitudes, during 1979 – 2010. All these figures do non demo any evident correlativity between TOZ and solar activity, due to the taint by the quasi-periodic oscillations ( QBO and ENSO ) in the TOZ clip series. a ) B ) degree Celsiuss ) vitamin E ) vitamin D ) degree Fahrenheit ) Figure 3. ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN at ( a ) 7.5 & A ; deg ; N, ( B ) 17.5 & A ; deg ; N, ( degree Celsius ) 27.5 & A ; deg ; N, ( vitamin D ) 37.5 & A ; deg ; N, ( vitamin E ) 47.5 & A ; deg ; N, ( degree Fahrenheit ) 57.5 & A ; deg ; N, during 1979 – 2010. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. However, the solar response in the winter entire ozone at 17.5 & A ; deg ; N and 27.5 & A ; deg ; N seemed to differ significantly under the two QBO stages. Other surveies have besides identified solar influences on the strength and extent of the Walker circulation, that is a cell circulation in the zonal and perpendicular waies in the tropical troposphere caused by differences in heat distribution between ocean and land. Meehl et Al. ( 2008 ) and vanLoon et Al. ( 2007 ) showed a strengthening of the Walker circulation, at peak old ages of the 11-year solar rhythm, It should be reminded that when the Walker cell weakens or contraries, an El Ni & A ; ntilde ; o consequences, and when Walker cell becomes strong causes a La Ni & A ; ntilde ; a.3.4. The association between the wintertime TOZ and solar rhythm at the Northern tropics ; the function of the QBO and ENSOIn the followers, the January and February mean TOZ and SN informations were grouped harmonizing to the QBO stages of the equatorial zonary air current at 50hPa and were plotted against the OEI at 17.5 & A ; deg ; N and 27.5 & A ; deg ; N ( figure 4a-d ) . During the west stage of QBO, a statistically important anticorrelation between TOZ and OEI clip series is evident, ensuing in a quasi periodic constituent that coincides with ENSO ( Ziemke et al. 2010 ) and causes no correlativity between TOZ and SN. On the other manus, during the east stage of QBO, TOZ clip series exhibits the 11-year signal. a ) B ) degree Celsiuss ) vitamin D ) Figure 4. ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN at 17.5 & A ; deg ; N during ( a ) the west stage of QBO and ( B ) the east stage of QBO. ( Jan+Feb ) /2 TOZ and SN at 27.5 & A ; deg ; N during ( degree Celsius ) the west stage of QBO and ( vitamin D ) the east stage of QBO. The dotted lines present the OEI through 1979 – 2010 in the West and east stages of QBO. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. In the undermentioned, figure 5 ( a ) presents the February mean TOZ and SN at 17.5 & A ; deg ; N, during 1979-2010, while figures 5 ( B ) , ( degree Celsius ) show the February TOZ and macula figure when the informations were grouped in the West and east stage of QBO, severally. Inspection of these figures shows an evident correlativity between TOZ and the 11-year solar rhythm, during QBO east ( statistically important correlativity at 95 % assurance degree ) . The ENSO constituent is noticeable one time more in the TOZ clip series when the informations were grouped in the west stage of QBO and is anticorrelated with OEI ( figure 5 ( B ) ) . B ) a ) degree Celsiuss ) Figure 5. February average TOZ and SN at 17.5 & A ; deg ; N, through 1979-2010 ( a ) independently of the QBO stages, ( B ) for the western stages of QBO and ( degree Celsius ) for the eastern stages of QBO. The thin line with the symbol ten, in ( a ) , corresponds to the smoothened clip series of the February mean TOZ. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. a ) B ) Figure 6. ( a ) February mean TOZ at 17.5 & A ; deg ; N against equatorial zonary air current at 50hPa, ( B ) temporal development of QBO upper limit and lower limit, during 1979 – 2010. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. To analyze farther the part of the QBO in the equatorial zonary air current at 50 hPa to the association between the February TOZ at 17.5 & A ; deg ; N and OEI the figure 6 ( a ) is shown.. Figure 6a shows the statistically important anticorrelation between OEI and TOZ, but no any association of TOZ with QBO. The latter can likely be explained by the fact that TOZ exhibits OEI and it is modulated by the temporal development of QBO upper limit and lower limit. To give an penetration to it Figure 6 ( B ) depicts the temporal development of the difference between consecutive QBO upper limit and [ ( soap ( i+1 ) – soap ( I ) ] and the temporal development of the difference between consecutive QBO lower limit [ min ( i+1 ) – min ( I ) ] for twelvemonth ( I ) . Both the differences in the consecutive upper limit and the differences in the consecutive lower limit of QBO demonstrate the ENSO signal.3.5. The association between the wintertime TOZ and solar rhythm at the Northern high latitudes ; the function of the QBO and ENSOFinally, in order to research the function of the atmospheric kineticss to the relationship between the TOZ and solar rhythm the interannual variableness of the February mean impulse flux ( MF ) between 45 & A ; deg ; N and 75 & A ; deg ; N at 50hPa, during 1979 – 2010 was studied. , . Figure 7 ( a ) depicts the clip series of MF and SN for February, while figures 7b, degree Celsius show the impulse flux and macula figure when the informations were grouped harmonizing to the QBO stage. Harmonizing to Figure 1 ( degree Celsius ) , during the old ages of the east stage of QBO an evident anticorrelation between MF and the 11-year solar rhythm is observed. A plausible account is the fact that in winter months, the polar whirl is sensitive to equatorial air current. In this context, Salby and Callaghan ( 2000 ) have found that alterations in the polar-night whirl are consistent with the solar signature observed in wintertime record s of polar temperature that have been stratified harmonizing to the QBO of equatorial air current. B ) a ) degree Celsiuss ) Figure 7. February average MF and SN between 45 & A ; deg ; N and 75 & A ; deg ; N, through 1979-2010 ( a ) independently of the QBO stages, ( B ) for the western stages of QBO and ( degree Celsius ) for the eastern stages of QBO. All clip series have been normalized and detrended. Another decision drawn from Figure 7 is that the increased dynamical variableness occurs during the west stage of the equatorial QBO and the winter whirl is significantly weakened during solar upper limit and western stage of the quasi-biennial oscillation.4. DecisionsIn this survey, a statistically important correlativity was derived between the one-year mean TOZ and SN over the Earth, the northern and the southern hemisphere, through 1979 – 2010. The evident 11-year signals in TOZ were obtained without any grouping of ozone informations harmonizing to the QBO stages of equatorial air current. Furthermore, sing the January and February mean TOZ and SN over the NH, an obvious quasi-periodic constituent was seen in the TOZ clip series, cut downing perceptibly the above mentioned correlativity between TOZ and 11-year solar rhythm. No evident correlativity was besides derived analyzing the January and February mean TOZ and SN from the equator to the high latitudes, due to the qua si-periodic constituent in the TOZ clip series, caused likely by the quasi-periodic oscillations. Concentrating on the January and February mean TOZ and SN at 17.5 & A ; deg ; N and 27.5 & A ; deg ; N, TOZ clip series revealed an 11-year signal during the eastern QBO stages and an ENSO signal during the western QBO stages. The correlativity between TOZ and the 11-year solar rhythm, in the east stage of QBO becomes higher for February. Finally, analyzing the February mean MF between 45 & A ; deg ; N and 75 & A ; deg ; N at 50hPa, during 1979 – 2010, eastern stages of QBO seemed to do an obvious anticorrelation between MF and the 11-year solar rhythm.